Certified Trainer Membership


Full Membership 
For any Member using the Intuitive Intelligence theory and praxis in all or most aspects of her work.

Teacher Membership
For any member who is participating in the Intuitive Intelligence® Teacher Certification (IICT) or Advanced Practitioner Trainer: Embodiment Program, or is qualified in these. You receive all membership benefits plus 2 additional PD sessions per year.

Associate Membership
For any Member who is only working part-time with the Intuitive Intelligence theory and praxis, or only using some of this in connection with her business. We rely on your honesty in self-determining whether an Associate or Full Membership is more appropriate for your situation

Student/Social Membership
For any current postgraduate Student, members who are students in a context outside of the Institute, or unemployed or low-income earners. This tier is also for those that aren’t using the work professionally but want to stay connected to the community.

CTM membership
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